dinsdag 3 augustus 2010

Bring out the guns

With our Norwegian work permits organized last wednesday, we visited the last “must see” attractions in the area of Harstad. We first went to the “Adolfskanone”, one of four cannons that are the largest land based guns in the world and have a range of 56 km. We took a tour of the bunkers and the cannon. A pleasant surprise was the wild moose walking around the gun.

Moose in front of the gun.

We also visited the Trondenes Viking church and the Viking center and tried the local golf course.

The Trondenes church, as seen from our living room

Moving can’t all be just fun, Team Allied and Major Trans, our moving companies, managed to put our second shipment in the rain at Oslo instead of moving it into storage in Harstad. It then was delivered wet and moldy. At least we did not need to sort out any of our old study notes and books anymore as they were ruined and had to be thrown away.

Love, Douglas & Claartje

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Hey,

    Grappige foto van die eland voor het kanon :D.

    Karig van de verhuizing, het leek in eerste instantie allemaal zo goed te gaan! Vreemd dat ze dan ook niet even bellen oid.



  2. Hey, leuk om te lezen dat het, behalve de natte doos, ahem, allemaal goed gaat :)

    Heel veel succes met bgeinnen met werken!


